7 Ways to Prepare Your Hair for the Fall and Winter

August 25, 2017 3 min read

7 Ways to Prepare Your Hair for the Fall & Winter | Mielle

As much as we hate to admit it, cooler weather is coming, and this may be the time of year when your natural hair suffers the most due to the drop in temperature. Not to fear! Here are seven hair care tips to help you make sure your hair stays healthy and thriving throughout the season.

1. Moisturize

This is the most important part of our hair care regimen, and for good reason! Our thick, curly hair is more prone to dryness than looser and straighter textures because, due to the shape of the strands, the natural sebum produced by the scalp has a harder time traveling down the hair shaft. This is why it’s important when moisturizing to pay special attention to the ends, since it’s the oldest part of your hair and likely the driest.

Using the LOC method of moisturizing – liquid (or leave-in), oil, cream – is popular among naturalistas, but the order depends on the person and their hair needs. But, whichever order you use, you may find that you need to moisturize more often during the cooler months or switch out your summer faves for others that are a bit heavier to give your hair some extra protection against the cold.

Try Mielle’s White Peony Leave-In Conditioner as your first step after cleansing and conditioning and follow up with our Mint Almond Oil. Afterwards, style as usual with a combo like our Brazilian Curly Cocktail Curl Cream plus Curl Mousse for maximum definition and moisture.

2. Use Heavier Butters/Oils to Seal

To create a stronger layer of protection from the cold air, we recommend using something heavier to seal the moisture into your hair strands. Of course, use what works best for your hair structure, whether it’s thin and fine or thick and coarse. Sealing your hair with an oil helps keep your hair moisturized longer to prevent the breakage that’s all too common in the fall and winter months.

3. Deep Condition Often

The cool air of fall and winter doesn’t want us to be great, so the more methods of moisturizing, the better. If you’ve been deep conditioning every two weeks or with every other wash day, then you may want to step up your game and go for weekly deep conditioning treatments as it gets colder. Mielle’s Babassu Oil & Mint Deep Conditioner is enriched with fatty acids and natural oils that penetrate the hair to restore the moisture we may lose this season. You can also wear a shower cap to allow your natural body heat to warm up the product, helping you to get the most out of your treatment.

4. Steam Your Hair

The lack of moisture in the winter air can have a damaging effect on our strands, which need a lot of help in the moisture department as-is. Steaming helps combat that by opening up the hair cuticle and adding moisture (water) all in one step. Imagine how much more effective deep conditioning could be when you steam along with it! If you can’t spare the coins for a steamer just yet, try wearing a shower cap and then wrapping a towel on top for a similar effect.

5. Drink More Water

Nothing keeps your hair moisturized more than starting from the inside by drinking lots of water. This can be hard to do as the weather gets cooler, but your hair will thank you! About 64 ounces per day is a common recommendation, but how much you need depends on your body and lifestyle. The easiest way to know if you’re drinking enough water is to look at the color of your urine. If it’s pale or clear, you’re good! A darker yellow means you could use more water.

6. Protective Styling

Protective styling helps you retain length and is equally amazing at helping your hair retaining moisture! This is why so many turn to protective styling with braids and such — they want to keep their hair away from the cold altogether to lessen the chances of damage. If you’re a girl on the go, then this may be the best option for you.

7. Cover Your Hair

As it gets cooler out, the easiest way to shield your hair from the harsh weather is to cover it with a hat or a cute head wrap. When these are made of cotton or wool – which can strip the hair of moisture – rock a satin scarf underneath. You can look for satin-lined options or DIY one if you’re feeling crafty!

How do you prepare your natural hair for fall and winter?

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